episode 91: a rising christmastide, Tom Joad & spilled milk

After getting it figured out what time of the year it is (year’s end - Gregorian calendar, year’s beginning - lectionary calendar), we agree it is Christmastide.

Odd word, “Christmastide”, but as of this recording, it is the 4th Day of Christmas, so the Christmas tide is still rising.

(Apologies to Botticelli’s Nativitiy, thanks PhotoShop Generative Fill AI)

As always we begin with random talk about bagels and smoothly segue into hefty theological discussions and conversations about lists. This is the season of lists. The best of the year, the worst of the year, and more. We look at some of those often overlooked lists.

Here are some links for what we discussed:

Google Search Trends

Worst Things to Spill in Your Car

Varieties of Axe Fragrances

And the inventor of auto-tune, Dr Andy Hildebrand