episode 90: deconstructed macaroons & theology of sport

Cody and Craig discussed the process of deconstructing theological assumptions by thinking about coconut macaroons, letting go of beliefs that are no longer true or beneficial, and the potential for reconstructing beliefs to align with a deeper truth.

We’ve been using Sesh.com (Dear Sesh, sponsorship?) to guide our conversations. It’s a great app that can work with Zoom. By providing a shareable agenda, with timers, meetings can stay on topic and on time. As an added bonus, we’ve been using the “ice-breaker” feature, which poses random questions, to begin and end our conversations.

The conversation also covered a range of other topics including, sports as panentheistic (big word warning: we go against our own motto about not using big words), Christmas celebrations beyond Christmas Day, and experiences at various gourmet restaurants.

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