Episode 53: Kalie, part 2 (a look at Genesis 1&2)

Kalie joins us once again— last installment, Kalie shared with us her personal story of transition and embracing fully who she is. This time, Kalie drops some insight on familiar scripture, Genesis 1 and Genesis 2. Highlights from this episode include:

  • How LGBTQ+ people fit in to the creation narrative.

  • The ways our cultural views shape our take on the creation story, and vice versa.

  • Kalie notes that we don’t hold nature to strict binary categories, even though the creation story presents God’s creation in general binary categories (earth/sky, land/water, etc.). So why humans?

  • ACCIDENTALLY PROFOUND STATEMENT ALERT: Cody notes that limiting the image of God even by a factor of one (down to binary) creates a false image, and is thus idolatry.

  • ACCIDENTALLY PROFOUND STATEMENT ALERT 2: Kalie notes that being like Christ does NOT mean giving up who you are, but is rather about being FULLY who you are.

  • Kalie talks about how the early church took Jesus’ teachings seriously, and thus began exploding patriarchal norms and cultural constructs of masculinity. UNTIL some leaders put a stop to it with a new interpretation on Jesus’ teachings.

  • and much, MUCH more.

Pertinent Links:
here is a recently published article Kalie penned for Whosoever (an online magazine that serves as a resource for LGBT Christians)

A book Kalie mentioned:
Transforming: The Bible and the Lives of Transgender Christians

A sermon Kalie preached:
Loved and Affirmed from Creation: How LGBTQ+ are Expressions of God's Image in Humanity

Find Kalie and interact with her on instagram: @JustKalieH

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