Episode 52: Kalie & Pride Month

Keeping the alliteration theme going, Craig and Cody are joined by Kalie— a transgender woman serving as associate pastor and intern at a congregation in Decatur, GA.

This is the first episode of a two part conversation with Kalie— the highlights of this episode include:

  • Pride Flags and marketing— is the embrace of Pride Month by corporate giants and professional sports leagues capitalism run amok? Merely a marketing tool? A sign of progress? What does it mean?!

  • Transgender laws and resolutions popping up all over the country for debate in sessions of state legislatures, paricularly in the world of sports. Why now? Kalie discusses the impact these laws and the debates about them have on transgender kids.

  • Kalie shares her experience as a closeted trans kid, and discusses the ways her experience is similar to trans kids today, and the many ways their experience is different from her own.

  • Kalie talks about her background (being raised in an ultraconvservative family, in an ultraconservative religious tradition) affected her acceptance of herself and others in the LGBTQ+ community, and why it took so long to become inclusive of others who were like her.

  • Kalie shares stories of when and where she finally felt safe in her own skin in a church congregation, and in her new city/community.

  • AND, in an All That’s Holy FIRST, boobs are mentioned!— not once, not twice, BUT THRICE!

We concliude the episode with a mutual agreement: Kalie MUST join us again for an episode dedicated specifially to her insight and understanding of the Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 scriptures as it pertains to the full expression of human sexuality and identification. Look for part 2 SOON!

Pertinent Links:
here is a recently published article Kalie penned for Whosoever (an online magazine that serves as a resource for LGBT Christians)

A book Kalie mentioned:
Transforming: The Bible and the Lives of Transgender Christians

Find Kalie and interact with her on instagram: @JustKalieH

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