
A Missional Birthday

Two Sundays ago we had a party at church. As the plans for the party required a various last minute accommodation (tow-trucks, picking up balloons, providing driving directions, etc) our regular time of gathered worship was anything but regular.

The guest of honor, a one-year old little girl, Mikala, was there. She came with her caretakers as she awaited her mother. Her mother, recently out of jail is getting her life back on track. Members of our church are helping with her care for her daughter, Mikala. After the Mikala's mom and her friend had arrived, we awaited the rest of her mother's friends. Slowly, they began to filter in. Our small house church more than doubled in size and strangers began playing party games with each other. Many of these guests also had had the experience of jail. We a wonderfully diverse group. Traditional Mennonites, both young and old, playing pin the tail on the donkey with folks of widely differing life experiences.

We'll see how the relationships that began then might be fostered in the days and weeks coming. As it happened, perhaps the finest missionary among us that day is now only entering her second year of life.

"And a child shall lead them..."