episode 81: Colin Saxton, Quakers, & theocracy

Episode 81: Colin Saxton

Cody and Craig catch up with each other discussing sports, life, and God.

Regarding the ongoing conversations around the movements of White Christian Nationalism. Recently, Craig was invited to speak with a congregation to introduce the challenges of Christian Nationalism. One of the hardest things is to introduce the topic, define terms, pose the theological and biblical challenges, and create a call to faithfully following Jesus – all in 20 minutes for a worship service.

This week, we have a conversation with Colin Saxton, Quaker, writer, and stewardship theologian. Colin has been a pastor, a superintendent (a denominational executive), and a missional leader serving churches in the USA and encouraging Friends’ ministries globally. Or, as he describes himself, “Colin Saxton is Quaker minister, husband, father, grandfather, and novice follower of Jesus.”

Together, Craig and Colin discuss how even those traditions (Craig’s Mennonite church, and Colin’s Friends meetings) can be lured into Christian Nationalism. Additionally, we spend some time discussing the experience of early Quakers in colonial America and execution of the “Boston Martyrs,” by the Massachusetts Bay Colony. From 1659-1661, the theocratic colony executed Marmaduke Stephenson, William Robinson, Mary Dyer, and William Leddra for their alternative beliefs.

This history exemplifies one of the false promises of “Christian” nationalism, that is, who’s definition of Christian will become the official orthodoxy. In a small way, the experience of the Boston Martyrs is a prequel, or a forecast, of Margaret Atwood’s Handmaid’s Tale.

Follow Colin Saxton at: https://walkingintheway.blog/ and on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/colinb.saxton

 Our transition music this week comes from Idaho’s own, Paul Revere and the Raiders rendition of, Eve of Destruction.