episode 68: Matthew Paul Turner

Episode 68: Matthew Paul Turner

We’ve been hearing a LOT about deconstruction the last few years, even featuring episodes about the topic here and there on this podcast. But what comes AFTER deconstruction? The answer will of course be different for each person.  Matthew Paul Turner– a forerunner of the current deconstruction movement by over a decade– has found an answer that suits him well, and might work for many others: telling better stories. Specifically in the form of picture books.

His work in this particular genre began with When God Made You, and since then he has published many more, including What is God Like?, When I Pray For You, and his most recent book, I Am God’s Dream.

Check out Matthew Paul Turner’s author page and ongoing work here:

and check out the archives of his old blog, Jesus Needs New PR:


Our broad ranging discussion covers a LOT of ground, including: 

  • How the campaign of George W. Bush gave him a spiritual orgasm with the catchy phrase “compassionate conservatism,” but eventually left him empty, especially in the wake of Hurricane Katrina (which Matthew notes as the deconstruction starting point for him) “I no longer wanted my theology to be against people.”

  • How he started first critiquing what was wrong with his Evangelical subculture in his classic blog, “Jesus Needs New PR.” The path led him to start writing children’s books, because he was “looking for words to read over their kids” that weren’t destructive or left his children thinking God was a monster. 

  • How “children’s literature” is a misnomer, and his preference for the term “picture books” because they enable others to see a new picture of the spiritual life.

  • The importance of representing all people in his books, and having a girl of color (first  Illustrated by David Catrow) provide a powerful way forward as she stands in for us all in his books.

  • About writing his latest book I Am God’s Dream during hard times, and the choice to include that reality in the pages, though the story is ultimately driven by hope and joy. Matthew shares withs us a little about how he finds joy.


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