episode 35: Adam Eriksen & Signs of the Times

On this week’s podcast, we talk with Adam Eriksen from Clackamas United Church of Christ in Milwaukie, Oregon, and the Raven Foundation. Adam has recently become (in)famous for his clear and concise message-board messages. As a pastor, Adam has been able to turn the simple reader-board, often the domain of cliché puns and programmatic announcements, into a fresh take on the invitational power of the gospel. Regularly, these messages turn into conversations, neighborhood connections, and create new friendships.

Additionally, Adam is a student of the thought of Rene Girard, whose insights inform peacebuilding and conflict transformation. We talk about Girard and mimetic theory and how this may be an especially important skill in this time of our polarized and argumentative society.

Learn more about Adam, Clackamas United Church of Christ, and The Raven Foundation:

·        Adam Eriksen on Facebook, and Instagram.

·        Clackamas United Church of Christ online, and on Facebook. While at the Clackamas church website, make sure to check out the Merch tab for great mugs, t-shirts, and calendars.

·        The Raven Foundation: https://www.ravenfoundation.org/ and on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.